On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 02:43:13PM +0700, Muhammad Najib wrote:
> Thank you for your previous response,
> About the algorithm,, it's rather straight forward without
> modification from the textbook
> 1. for the usrp, i use decimation of 8, with tuning frekuency at the
> middle of the channel(706MHz).
> 2.1 using 2 sine signal source, i shift video and audio carrier to 0Mhz.
> 2.2 using sine and cosine signal source, i take the u and v signal.
> 3. audio demod using wfm_rcv_pll
> 4. video demod using tv_rcv+synch
> in total, there are 4 sine/cosine signal generators, 5/6 filters, few 
> operators.
> without color decoding, i've already got video and audio playing,
> my question is which block gives the most load to the CPU?
> is the additional signal generators add so much load ?

oprofile will help you figure this out.


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