Juan Quiroz wrote:
> Can somebody tell me what kwards means or where can I find some help,
> I'm trying to understand how this program works to make one more simple
> if it is posible.
> # Get mod_kwargs
> mod_kwargs = self._modulator_class.extract_kwargs_from_options(options)
> Simple user manual for Gnuradio is good but I need some examples.

I haven't tried that particular one, but I guess it's a dictionary. Try
printing it. My reason for guessing that it is a dictionary is that
kwargs is a standard name used in Python code for keyword-arguments. Try
the vast online tutorial:


Good luck
/Mikael Olofsson
Universitetslektor (Associate Professor)
Linköpings universitet

E-Mail:  mik...@isy.liu.se
WWW:     http://www.commsys.isy.liu.se/en/staff/mikael
Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 13 9282

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