
> If we had an fpga image that allowed us to store samples on the USRP2
> that would be very benefitial, at least for me. Then one could test
> algorithms with 100MHz sample-rate. Yes, it would not be possible to
> use the channel continously. Receiving 1ms of samples would take 4ms to
> upload. However, using the time-stamp functionality one can synchronize
> nodes to transmit and receive at the same time and thereby enable
> testing e.g. interference rejection algorithms.

How many samples?  I think the USRP2 has a 512k x 16 (1 Mbyte) SRAM that's not 
used in the default FPGA image.


> Quoting George Nychis <>:
>> Short but sweet response.  It would be great to have a SDR hardware board
>> that works with GNU Radio that has a very, very, low latency connection to
>> the host, like PCI express.  Similar to the Microsoft Research SDR
>> (previously named SORA).  That would be great and open up possibilities of
>> low latency MAC protocol implementations.
>> Just sayin'!
>> - George

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