On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 01:44:04PM -0500, bin zan wrote:
> Hi Eric,
>       I am trying to study the create-gnuradio-out-of-tree-project you leave
> to us last week. After I run ./configure ./make ./make install,  I still
> can't run the python file successfully. The errors are shown below.  Do you
> know what is the problem?
> winu...@winuser-desktop:~/BinZan/usrp2_oot/python$ ./qa_usrp2_oot.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./qa_usrp2_oot.py", line 24, in <module>
>     import usrp2_oot_swig
> ImportError: No module named usrp2_oot_swig
> Thanks,
> Bin Zan
> Winlab, Rutgers


The QA code won't run unless you type

  $ make check

This has to do with how a bunch of environment varibles are
manipulated to allow us to test (QA) non-instatlled code.

You can use your new block after

  $ make install

but you'll need to ensure that your PYTHONPATH includes the path where
you installed the new code.  This is usually something like:

  $ export PYTHONPATH=<prefix>/lib/python<ver>/<site-or-dist>-packages


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