
  I am choosing the GPS receiver to make the timing synchronization between
the two USRP2's. I have already placed an order, and it would take few days
to reach here.
Mean while , i wanted to learn about how to synchronize the USRP2's using
GPS reciever,  Can anyone guide me  , how to ?

 and from where i can get some useful material or information to setup and
synchronize USRP2's using GPS receiver...!

By searching the google , i had found some information regarding the USRP2

relating to calling the function
config_mimo(MC_WE_LOCK_TO_SMA) and sync_to_pps( )

for locking to USRP2 to external clock 10MHz and 1PPS,

My question is Can anyone give me a clear picture, how to configure these
programs and to synchronize two USRP2's.
I am not going to use MIMO(using to MIMO cable given) configuration right
now, currently i am only focusing on SISO config.

If synchronising USRP2's in MIMO case is different from SISO, can you please

Thanks in advance
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