On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:43, Andy_Long <luckshiw...@yahoo.com.cn> wrote:

> Since I am the beginner user of Linux system, I do not know how to enter
> this website address in terminal. So I just download u2_flash_tool file to
> my computer fold and go to this fold directory to run the command
> u2_flash_tool again. But I still get the same error:   bash: u2_flash_tool
> :command not found

You're doing all the right things so far.  Once you've copied the file
to a directory, you need to make it executable:

$ chmod +x u2_flash_tool

Then, to run it:

$ ./u2_flash_tool

(Of course, add all the command options and paths to the .bin files as before.)


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