Hi all,
I would like to send a real signal with a bandwith from DC to 25MHZ
thanks to the USRP2 and the LFTX daughterboard.
So, I generate a Real baseband signal and I use only the "I" channel.
But, it seems that the minimun interpolation of USRP2 is 4 (USRP2faq)
that's why I use interp=4. So, I have a bandwidth of 12.5 MHz because
the sampling frequency is fs=25 MS/s ==> fs/2 = 12.5 MS/s. For me, it
seems good.
So, my first question is:
Is it possible to use an interpolation of only 2 to have bandwidth=25 Mhz?
Secondly, I'm not sure but if we use interp=2 we have before the DUC a
data rate = 50 MS/s * 32 (float32) = 1600 Mbits/s ==> > Gb/s.
However, if we use interp=2 and "short" format, we have a data rate = 50
MS/s * 16 (short) = 800 Mbits/s ==> < Gb/s.
Is it correct?
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