Hi Tom, Matt

replied inline:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Srinivas <psriniva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Matt,
> >
> > Thanks for verifying the data rate calculation!
> >
> > I tried the other solutions that you suggested, namely,
> >
> > - increasing the data rate by a factor of 2 or 4
> > It works.
> >
> > - modifying the OFDM code to widen the search range - How do I widen the
> > search range ?
> > Should I be looking in the "ofdm_sync_" blocks in "blks2impl" folder ? If
> > yes, which synchronizer is currently used with ofdm_examples ?
> You need to add an argument to gr.ofdm_frame_acquisition in
> ofdm_receiver.py (in python/gnuradio/blks2impl).
> In the current Git master, this is located on line 109 of
> ofdm_receiver.py. After the "ks[0]" argument, you can put in an
> integer. This is the maximum number of bins the receiver will search
> over for correlation. It defaults to 10.
> I added this extra argument and tried changing the values from 10 to 100. I
also tried with "int(0.5*occupied_tones) " as the argument, but it doesn't
receive for lower data rates (< 1M). Only when I increase the data rate >
1.2M, I start receiving some pkts.

As mentioned before, when I compensate for the frequency offset at the
receiver it starts receiving packets successfully too.

> - locking the usrps to a common reference
> My usrp2s are located wide apart so I guess this solution is not
> Besides, this confirms that the problem is somewhere in the USRP2 board,
> right ? (as I tried swapping the daughter cards & firmware with the
> pair)
> Thanks,
> Srinivas

Nope, this is typical of radio hardware. They are always off
> frequency. If two oscillators are off frequency and then multiplied up
> to another frequency, the difference will also be magnified. So a 2.4
> GHz board will have a larger frequency offset than if you ran it just
> through the BasicTx/Rx boards (even though the ratios should be the
> same).
> Tom

Thanks! I understand this now.

WINLAB, Rutgers University
New Jersey
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