Hi Affan,

Why kind of problems have you been having?  I did quite a bit of
productive work with version 3.2.2 simply by creating a new set of
"how_to" routines in addition to the examples.

Are you having compile problems?  Run-time problems?  I remember
having lots of run-time difficulties because I think the how-to gets
put into /usr/local/lib by default and the usual gnuradio-3.2.2 stuff
goes into /usr/lib (or vice versa, I forget) and you need to make sure
both the regular stuff and the how-to stuff is configured with the
--prefix=/usr option.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Affan Syed <affanah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been spending a considerable amount of time to modify the
> how-to-write-a-block to compile and make my own, different name, module.
> While changing the code withing the howto_square_ff.cc is a simple solution,
> it is unfulfilling.
> Sadly, I think I tried to make big changes in the code structure and a
> simple find/replace of Makefile.am and howto.i (as well as renaming the
> files) and other obvious files, does not suffice. I tried to look for
> instructions on exactly which files and lines to modify, but there seem to
> be none for the structure provided in the example for version 3.2.2. There
> are several places  (Dawei Shen's tutorial amongst others) that explain the
> modification for a boilerplate model for,  I believe, version 3.02 and
> before, but nothing for the newer version where the Makefiles.am in the
> src/lib directory is quite different.
> I will continue to hack on the current version, and keep notes so that so I
> can report what and how it works, but if anyone knows of an existing
> enumeration of steps on how to take the boilerplate provided by the
> how-to-write-a-block ver 3.2.2 and modify it to say a module name
> toneDetect, I will appreciate it.
> Regards,
> Affan.
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