Ettus publishes the schematics. They are sometimes out of date but not hard to figure out if you have an actual board in front of you and take a little time. What the BOM? Look at a schematic and a board and figure it out. It's not like anyone is trying to stop you.

You want layout files? You think there's something wrong with Ettus withholding them? Fix the situation. The design is free in the sense that you are free to hire your own engineer to make your own layout from Ettus' free schematics. Then after you pay for that you can put your money where your mouth is and put those layout files on the web under GPL. You'd be the big hero who put Matt in his place.

-- David

On Feb 5, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Don Fanning wrote:

While to the letter of the law he did provide the above details, he has/will not provide all the information/engineering drawings necessary for people to roll their own boards or to import existing designs so they can be modified to suit a person's/organization's project. I can understand why being this is how he makes a living, but at the same time he shouldn't be promoting the design as open source... just open architecture-ish...

David A. Burgess
Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.

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