
> Perhaps? We only have two USRP2s and 2 XCVR2450s. However,
> if it was the SD card, I would think both XCVR2450s should
> have the problem. Actually, even the better of the two
> occasionally fails, so I can't be sure.

If you rule out the SD card, then is there a way you and Manav can compare PCB 
revisions for USRP2 and XCVR2450 -- and
USRP2 logic revision -- and make sure your systems are absolutely identical?  
Even a small rework or logic change
might make a difference...


>>Ya, what I mean is that for you too the problem may be the SD card only. 
>>>Actually we had got around 20
>> USRP's/daughterboards from Ettus and none of >them were working with the SD 
>> cards they supplied with them (20 in
>> all). >When I tried with an older SD card, it worked.
>>On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Ian Holland <ian.holl...@rlmgroup.com.au> 

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