On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 09:45:10AM +0000, nadia raj wrote:
> Hi,
>  When we do:  data = gr.file_source(8, 's1', 'r')
> Then type( data ) = <class 
> 'gnuradio.gr.gnuradio_swig_py_io.gr_file_source_sptr'>
> how can i convert data into a string??
> Regards,
> Nadia

Generally you wouldn't.

If you just want the contents of a file as a string, use the built-in
Python routines:

  s = open('s1').read()

If what you really want is to be able to examine a file containing
binary floats or complex<floats>, then you'll probably want to use something
like octave and the utilities in gnuradio-core/src/utils/read_*_binary.m

Also, please take a look at


It's got lots of tips on how to ask questions in a way that increases
your chances of getting the assistance you're looking for.

Also, try googling "using octave and gnu radio"


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