Thanks for the reply>
I've already checked usrp_spectrum_sense.
I have two points:
1. usrp_fft: does this file still exist ? because i cannot find it. but i
think, it just give you the same results as usrp_spectrum_sense without
tuning the frequency band.
2. You meant by using "quiet time", is to use the same method of estimating
the signal power (using fft), However, use it when you are sure that there
is no signal (can we consider this in Cognitive Radio systems??).


Newman, Timothy wrote:
> On 12/9/2009 7:49 AM, abbasi9999 wrote:
>> I'm trying to implement ENERGY DETECTOR using gnu radio.
>> Is there any library or modules to help. Especially when implementing
>> energy
>> detection we need to estimate the awgn.
>> I've searched in
>> but i cannot find any relative information.
>> regards,
> This can all be done using the usrp_spectrum_sense script or even 
> looking at usrp_fft to see how this is done.  One way to estimate the 
> noise is have a known "quiet time" where you measure the energy of the 
> channel and use a threshold derived from that as the signal detection 
> threshold.
> Tim
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