Hi all,

Yes, a couple USRP2 802.11 BBN code threads ;)  Trying to separate the
discussions a bit.

Did anyone get the TX code to properly interoperate with an 802.11 card?  I
have the usrp2_version branch running, with my modification to fix the
transmission filter, and I am using a probe responses payload as the packet
payload sent to the USRP.  I have barker spreading enabled, and am using the
long preamble.  So the code should append the long preamble, and modulate
the probe response data, then pump it out.

I don't see anything trying to decode with an 802.11 card in monitor mode.
Unfortunately I don't know of a way to get the card to report detecting
preambles or PLCP's, so it's kind of hard to debug the PLCP here.  But,
using the loopback with the 802.11 probe response data, the code is able to
decode it properly.  So... it seems like something is borked on the TX side.

If anyone has gotten interoperability, let me know.  If anyone knows of any
outstanding issues, let me know :)  I will continue debugging in the mean

- George
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