Hello Everyone,

My questions are related to the Gain (set by 'set_gain()' method) set in the
receive chain particularly in 'digital' folder in gnuradio-3.2. I am using
USRP2 with XCVR2450.

The receiver gain is set to default (46 dB) in most of the scripts (digital,
ofdm, usrp_fft etc.). My guess is that high gain is perhaps pushing the
input signal out of the dynamic range of ADC and therefore saturating the
ADC output. The SNR (as seen in usrp_fft.py) is low (20-25 dB) in this case.
Lowering the gain (< 30) solves the problem (SNR 60-70 dB) and packets are
successfully received in benchmark_rx.py. This problem was never found in
USRP1. What is the cause of this problem to occur only in USRP2 ?

1. Does set_gain() set the analog gain ? (i.e. gain of a programmable gain
amplifier before the ADC or on the daughterboard) or is it digital (scaling
of digitized samples) ?

2. Shouldn't we have an AGC in all the 'receive_path.py' where gain is
calculated as the mid-point of the gain range ?

I went through the previous posts on AGCs. They discuss the AGC settings in
general which I understand, but my issue seems to be specific to USRP2's

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

WINLAB, Rutgers University
New Jersey
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