One of my collegues who does know what he's doing installed GNU Radio on his
machine and got the same results, but he was able to fix it. Following his
advice I have now got GNU Radio working on both my 64 bit and 32 bit
machines. Attached is the list of commands I used to get it going. These
maybe of use to any other noobs who have hassles and fumble about like me. install_gnuradio 

RH200 wrote:
> Hi I have usualy had some one who knows what they are doing installing GNU
> radio on other computers but this time I gave it a go myself. I got the
> install help web page up and ran the instructions for Hardy on there. Then
> I down loaded boost_1_40_0 from the place requested. This model boost did
> not have the configure requirments so I followed the boot strap & bjam
> instructions supplied, but with prefix and libraries as instructed for the
> Ubuntu install. /opt/boost_1_40_0.
> I Then got the gnuradio package using svn and followed all the insrtuction
> from the ubuntu install guide except using the new boost version. At the
> make section I get the following
> g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -pthread -o
> .libs/gnuradio-config-info gnuradio-config-info.o 
> ./.libs/ -lboost_program_options 
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_program_options
> followed by the leaving dirs sequence and error code 2
> I have tried different options for the last couple of days and have gotten
> nowhere,  I'm running 64 bit Hardy on a  xeon machine, any ideas would be
> great.

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