Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 02:08:46 schrieben Sie:
> > > I'm fighting in this area right now. Are there some things to know?
> > > What does the core-devs think? Is it possible?
> >
> > I can barely spell "windows", but if you know how to get raw ethernet
> > frames into and out of user space on windows, you can probably make it
> > work.  Let me know how it goes.
> If receiving or sending raw frames is hard on Windows, the USRP2
> should become much easier to interface when the project switches over
> to using UDP packets to/from the USRP2.  I think that's scheduled for
> late fall 2009 or so.
>       John

So does it make sense to rewrite it for pcap lib?

I finally managed to compile it with basic functionality. Now I'm trying to 
communicat with the box somehow. More news on this will follow next week.

I had an issue with the gr-usrp2 python stuff. With the std::vector<uint32_t> 
to be more precise. Sometimes uint32_t is an unsigned int and sometimes an 
unsigned long. But I guess unsigned long is the intended type. 

For now I did not dare to try grc yet. But this will surely be my next topic.
btw: I'm working on cygwin.


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