I am puzzled by a very basic issue relating to the usrp1 output. Using GRC, I connect the usrp output through a complex to mag conversion to a scope sink and tune to, say, 1GHz. The daughter board is a DBS_RX.

Using a cw signal generator, I tune for a maximum usrp output and then raise the usrp input up to about -45 dBm. As the input increases, I see rising output values (on the scope display) from just above zero to a maximum of about 16400.

The puzzle is this: if the usrp A/D converter is 12 bits for I and Q channels and I am doing a complex to magnitude conversion, why don't I see 4095*1.414 as the maximum output number?

The maximum output I do see seems like 14 bits, but without any 1.414 factor.

What am I missing ??

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