In addition to my above mentioned question, please also comment on what
should be the value of mux (I am setting 0x3210) and what should be the
value of fpga_filename,

Please again note that I want to use 2 RFX2400 cards with one USRP1, and 2
rx streams will be there each through RX2 antenna of 2 RFX2400 cards and
there will be one tx stream through any one of these cards.

Best Regards

Kaleem Ahmad

kaleem ahmad wrote:
> Hello every one,
> I am using USRP1 + RFX2400.
> I want to use 2 RFX2400 cards. Overall I will have 2 RX streams and 1 TX
> stream from this system. Following are main parts of my RX_Path (complete
> code for RX-Path is also attached, if you want please have a look on that,
> TX-path is not here). I am unable to receive anything from any of the
> channels although the same RX-path was working when I was using a sinle
> antenna. Only following lines were mainly changed. Please have a look and
> let me know if my configuration for 2 RX (on separate RFX cards, but one
> USRP1 main board) and one TX channel.
> u = usrp.source_c(0, decim_rate=self.usrp_decim, nchan=2
> self.subdev = (self.u.db[0][0] , self.u.db[1][0])
> self.u.set_mux(gru.hexint(0x3210))  
> #Set the gain to the midway point
> self.subdev[0].set_gain(60)
> self.subdev[1].set_gain(60)
> #Set the recieve frequency
> self.r0 = usrp.tune(self.u, 0, self.subdev[0], 2.41e9)
> self.r1 = usrp.tune(self.u, 1, self.subdev[1], 2.41e9)
> self.subdev[0].select_rx_antenna( 'RX2')        
> self.subdev[1].select_rx_antenna( 'RX2')
> self.deinter = gr.deinterleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)        
> #enable Auto Transmit/Receive switching
> self.set_auto_tr(True)
> self.connect(self.u,self.deinter)
> self.connect ((self.deinter,0), self.rx_filter, self.fmdemod, self.corr,
> self.vec_sink) # One RX antenna for regular data reception
> self.connect ((self.deinter,1), self.fft_input) #Other RX antenna for fft
> window, this fft will be further processed
> Best Regards

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