On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 08:36 -0700, Mark J. Yusko wrote:
I recently tried to compile 3.2 using updated Fedora 10 and ran 
into a "not using boost > 1.35" error during ./config.  With Fedora 11 to be 
released in a few days, I find it 
preferable to wait for this release and then upgrade my system to 11 (which 
includes boost 1.37) since there are a 
multitude of RPM dependencies to work out with 10.
> Boost 1.35 RPM and 1.37 RPM is available to download, but to 
upgrade other RPMs due to there dependency needs is too laborious at this time.
> Mark

I had the same issue 
when compiling GR 3.2svn on Fedora 9. Note that the requirement is boost >= 
I managed to solve it by removing the 
RPM 1.34 and installing Boost 1.35.0 compiling it from source.
btw, when I uninstalled Boost 1.34 rpm, no other rpm 
But if you simply compile 1.35 and then update the pkgconfig information, it 
should work.

You may 
consider this, if you don't want to wait Fed11.


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