On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:30:07PM -0700, Somya Ajmera wrote:

> Hi All, I am facing a small problem with my basic Tx-R daughter
> boards. I am trying to transmit and receive a simple Cosine waveform
> of 40 Mhz and Amp of 10 using GRC and trying to see the
> transmitted-received signal on to the oscilloscope  While probing
> into the transmitter DBA connector, I can see the transmitted cosine
> waveform on to the scope, but when I connect the transmitter and
> receiver using a DBA to DBA connector (that is connecting the
> transmitter and receiver directly) and probe the receiver, I am not
> able to see the transmitted cosine wave, but instead I can see a 60
> Hz wave which I guess is the supply voltage freq, which remains even
> if I turn off my GRC . I tried to provide a ground using the ground
> pin (GND) on my Rx daughter board and also by different means but
> still face the same problem.

> Can anybody please help me to figure out this small issue.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Somya Ajmera

You'll need to tell us more to get any useful help.



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