
I have another question regarding this. I sunk the output from the Costas
onto FFTsink and got this.
Are the peaks that appear on this the lower and upper sidebands of the data
signal? I am transmitting using benchmark_tx.py (dbpsk).


> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:38 AM, Mir M. Ali <mirmurt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot Tom for your help. I now understand how Costas loop operates.
>> After all the tests that I did following your suggestions I was able to find
>> the answer for a lot of my unanswered questions.
>> Thanks again,
>> Ali
>> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Tom Lutz <tommyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I am using Flex-2400 boards and the received signal is ideally at
>>> baseband
>>> > which in fact is not possible because, of various factors. Now, we have
>>> a
>>> > signal that has a center frequency 'fc' which is not 0Hz. Assuming the
>>> > costas to lock at this carrier I can achieve my goal. Isn't it right?
>>> >
>>> The Costas loop can lock to fc, and will output the original signal
>>> mixed with fc (i.e. your signal at baseband), so yes is the answer.
>>> It is worthwhile to look close at the secondary output of the Costas
>>> loop.  This output is the frequency the loop is locked to, in radians
>>> per sample.  If you take the real part of this output (the imaginary
>>> is just 0), and multiply it by sampling_frequency/(2*pi) and send it
>>> to the oscilloscope or other graphical sink, you can see what
>>> frequency, in Hertz, the loop is locked to.  Nominally, you can try
>>> alpha=0.01 and beta=alpha^2/4 for the phase and frequency gains,
>>> respectively.  Try things out in simulation first.
>>> > Can you also tell me how fmax and fmin are calculated? For example,
>>> dbpsk.py
>>> > has fmax=0.1 and fmin=-0.1. How do we get these?
>>> >
>>> Frequency (in radians per sample) = 2*pi*(frequency) / (sample rate),
>>> so if your carrier were 2MHz at a sampling rate of 6MHz, it would be
>>> 2*pi*2000000/6000000~=2.09
>>> fmax=0.1 and fmin=-0.1 means the loop is set to lock to 0Hz (DC), with
>>> a tolerance of +/- 0.1Radians/Sample.
>>> Pick some margin above and below based on expected drift (say, for
>>> example, 1.95MHz and 2.05MHz), and calculate similarly to get your
>>> fmin and fmax.  Given that dbpsk.py has fmax=0.1 and fmin=-0.1, I'm
>>> lead to believe that the costas loop can work at DC, in which case the
>>> frequency would be roughly 0 and the phase would adjust to compensate
>>> for error.
>>> I don't consider myself an authoritative source for this stuff, as I
>>> just started playing with it myself, but this should get you going at
>>> least.
>>> Tom
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