
I'm trying to RUN my own RBF file with the Quartus project (usrp_std.qpf).
The compilation goes through and I get usrp_std.rbf . However when I try to
create a usrp source like so :

self.fpga_filename = "usrp_std.rbf"
self.u = usrp.source_c (decim_rate = self.usrp_decim,
fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename, mux =0)

I get an error

File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/usrp/usrp_swig.py", line
1607 in source_c
      return _usrp_swig.source_c(*args, **kwargs)
*RuntimeError: can't open usrp*

*Using the precompiled rbf works flawlessly (e.g. std_4rx_0tx.rbf)*

Does the Quartus project have to come from the exact same gnuradio version
as the one running on the device (I have release 3.1.3 on Quartus and
3.1.3+svn10302 r6.1 on the device itself) ?


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