
Since the USB data rate is the limiting factor in my current setup I figured
I would implement some functions on the FPGA itself since they are likely to
be simple to implement. I have loaded the project in Quartus and have been
looking at the Schematic for some time. I already figured I have to
configure with a reduced number of RX, TX channels to free up some FPGA

I was wondering where to put my extra logic in this diagram. To be more
precise, the logic will only be affecting the RX side and I don't mind the
16-bit values coming out of USB, as long as it's processed with my logic.

I was thinking about putting the logic between the rx_chain blocks and the
rx_buffer i.e. taking the I and Q values coming out of the DDCs and adding
an extra block to do my transformations. I am assuming the rx_buffer only
takes the values presented to it and shifts them out USB according to the
multi-channel scrambling *e.g.* I0, Q0, I1, Q1, etc.

Could you confirm/infirm that my proposed design is valid ? Will the extra
block delay affect the functioning of the system ?

Thank you,

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