>> The other question I have is whether it is possible to have a
>> mini-usrp board that can be moulded into a somewhat handheld device
>> size?
> In the "anything's possible" department, it's possible.

If you only needed one daughtercard this would be very do-able, we
looked into leaving off the second daughterboard infrastructure and
thought it should be possible to make a single daughterboard usrp less
than half the area of the current one.  This was pitched using an
rfx2400 though, with the lf boards you could theoretically make a
cube-esque stack with the fpga/usb chips one board, power conditioning
and clock on another, and the two lf boards being the 'bread' of the

You would, of course, have to redesign the board, rewrite the fpga
image, and make a new sink/source pair in gnu radio, but like Eric
said 'anythings possible'


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