
Michael, I hope you got my mail with the logs you requested. I'll note that all packages from macports are up to date.


On 30.04.2009, at 14:31, Michael Dickens wrote:

Hi Jaanus - Welcome to GNU Radio! What you found might be a bug in the code; I haven't looked at it or updated it in a long time. I can't look into this issue today, but I will tomorrow (Friday). In the mean time, could you provide to me (on or off list, your choice) which Mac model you're using (and any significant changes to the base configuration), which version of XCode, and by which means you installed the background requirements (e.g., MacPorts, Fink, by hand; which versions of these did you install)? Are you using the SVN trunk, or a release (and, which version / revision)? Also, the output of 'env' executed in your shell would be useful, as would the outputs of 'configure' and 'make'. Thanks! - MLD

On Apr 30, 2009, at 1:54 AM, Jaanus Rõõmus wrote:
 Error# -10863 ('????')

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