I am not able to configure and compile GR on Ubuntu 9.04 using the
directions from the gnuradio.org/trac on any of three different
machines on which I attempted to do the upgrade.  I then tried on one
of them doing a raw install (the one with the least stuff on it).  The
same failure occurs, so updates do not appear to be broken.

Since several of us are making a big deal of gr-qtgui right now and
about to roll out several things which we think will be of interest to
people, it was disappointing to find that pyqt-qt4-qwt5 would not
install, complaining about python-2.6 being too new a version.

I think this is a temporary problem, caused by recent updates to
Ubuntu 9.04 repositories, but thankfully, there is an easy remedy that
just works.

If you go the  PyQwt home page, and download PyQwt 5.1.0 source,  pay
attention to the requisites and make sure you have apt-get them (sip4,
 pyqt-qt4-dev, ....) ,  GR makes and runs with gr-qtgui enabled.


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