
Does anyone has some discription about the two programs usrp_fft.py
and usrp_oscope.py? I try to search in the archive but didn't find any
basic discriptions. For example, I'm using digital-bert
benchmark_tx.py to transmit a sequence of 1's, which modulated by
BPSK; on the other computer, I use python usrp_fft.py -f 900M -T B -R
TX/RX -d 32 to display the output.

I've some signals at the center frequency, but I don't know whether it
is the signals at the transmitter side usrp or signals received in the
other usrp? Similar question to usrp_oscope.py as well, and I also
wonder what do the two lines mean, the red one and the blue one?

Thanks in advance. Your help is highly appreciated.

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