Tom Rondeau wrote:
> I you want to know if the two blocks are reciprocals or each other, you
> can always look at the code. Neither of these blocks are very 
> complicated.
> Tom

I have tried using the float_to_char block and char_to_float bloack 
simultaneously and tried to listen to sound after passing through them. 
Nothing could be heard. This shows that the clipping has caused data 
loss which could not be recovered. What else approach could you please 
suggest to apply QAM modulation on float values?

Secondly, sir i m trying to figure out parameters which are easily 
configurable for SDR waveforms. i think ill b working on output power, 
modulation scheme, modulation index, frequency, bandwidth etc. what more 
parameters can be incorporated?

and please also guide me as WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 
gr.hier_block2 AND gr.top_block...

I'll be grateful for your help.. Thanks

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