Not entirely sure what you talking about, but you can add a custom block wrapper for basically anything. It doesnt have to be a real gr block. Make a custom block wrapper without any inputs or outputs, and put your special code in the <make>blah</make> that instantiates your object.

A good example is the xmlrpc server: Its not a signal processing block, but it will start an xmlrpc server and a thread inside your flow graph.

If your code is more complicated than that, you can encapsulate anything into a python module, install it into the python path, and instantiate it using the block wrapper <make>.


Marcus D. Leech wrote:
Josh, etc al:

What is the best way to "tack on" functionality to a GRC-generated
flowgraph--that is, things that are outside of
  the Gnu Radio "environment" but still important to your application.

I'd like to add things like a timeout function that "does things" from
time to time, as well as other important tasks, initializations,

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