On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 09:03:32PM -0800, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Kimminau Jr., Leo F. <addr...@hidden> wrote:
> > Using a PowerMac G5 to control the USRP, if I stop usrp_siggen.py, the USRP
> > continues to transmit.  Is this expected?
> No.
> > This behavior is different than on a PowerBook G4, where the USRP stops
> > transmitting when usrp_siggen.py is stopped.
> Can you elaborate on any other differences between the configurations?
>  OS version, GNU Radio version, developer tools (GCC, swig, Python),
> etc.?
> Thanks
> -Johnathan

I think this is a known problem (not sure there's a ticket on it).  I
believe that what is happening is that on the faster machine, the Tx
pipeline in the FPGA is getting disabled before it has a chance to
drain.  The result of this is that the pipeline is halted with a
non-zero constant value getting clocked into the DACs resulting in a
carrier for all daughterboards that contain an LO.


The short list is below, full list attached.

Is there a way I can track the problem ticket or patch, if any?

Leo Kimminau

Attached is a full list of ports installed on both PowerMac G5 and PowerBook 
G4, in summary:

Doesn't stop xmt:                            Stops xmt:
PowerMac G5                                   PowerBook G4
Mac OS X 10.5.6                                Mac OS X 10.5.6
Xcode 3.1.2                                         Xcode 3.0

GNU Radio trunk                              GNU Radio trunk downloaded 23 Dec 
downloaded 10 Jan 09

Apple GCC 4.0.1                gcc43
 @4.3.2_0 (active)

swig @1.3.36_2+perl+                   swig @1.3.36_2+perl+php5+python+ruby 
   php5+python+ruby (active)

python25 @2.5.4_0+                      python25 @2.5.2_7+darwin_9 (active)
  darwin_9+macosx (active)

Attachment: PowerMac G5, PowerBook G4 ports installed.pdf
Description: PowerMac G5, PowerBook G4 ports installed.pdf

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