On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 22:37 -0800, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Martin DvH
> <gnuradiom...@olifantasia.com> wrote:
> > The first bug prevents the OpenBTS tranceiver from starting with the
> > error "make failed on Rx"
> >
> > The check on line 173 in USRPDevice should be for !m_uRx in stead of !
> > m_uTx
> Thanks for catching this, this was a bug I introduced when changing
> the code to work with the new daughterboard API.
I get it.
I checked the new daughterboard API changes and it looks good to me.
So in theory it should be possible to setup an OpenBts system with the
current code.

I am at the moment still struggling to get the IMSI code out of my

I have several old nokia phones (5110, 6150, 3410) , but so far I
haven't been able to get one of them to into field mode. Using either
keycode (*3001#12345#) or serial data-cable + gnokii.

> I've checked it in.
> > patch2 should be changed to use configure stuff to check for byteswap.h.
> > But for people wanting a quick-and-dirty hack it can be used.
> Let me know if you do a configure update for this, but I'd like to
> look at it before it is committed.
I will have a look at it.
Further development/testing from me on this will stall for a short time until 
my new stock of RFX1800 USRP daughterboards arrive.
(I am totally sold-out on these)

> -Johnathan

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