On Jan 20, 2009, at 5:52 AM, Bruhtesfa Ebrahim wrote:
I see that i have py25-l...@2.1.2_0 already installed through
macports. But, the GRC is not able to install despite that.

Make sure your shell environment's PYTHONPATH includes "/opt/local/lib/ python2.5/site-packages" (without the "quotes") ... assuming you're using Python 2.5 ... if you're using 2.6 or 3.0 (installed by MacPorts, presumedly), then substitute in that number for "2.5" in the path.

I tried out the gr.xlating_fir_filter that you told me last time to
correct frequency offset and i have posted a question that says:
"distorted spectrum after applying gr.xlating filer " after tring it
out. So, could you please see that post and give me justifications.

I'll take a look; no guarantees.

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