On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 09:48:47AM -0300, Ronaldo Nunez wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a doubt about coarse modulation in AD9862 (tx path).
> I saw in the faq (http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/UsrpFAQ/ADC)  "...Block B
> only moves the signal +/- fs/4 or fs/8"...
> OK, but when it moves fs/4 and when it moves fs/8? Is that controllable by
> software?

It's transparently controlled by software.  Look at usrp_standard.{h,cc}

> Another question:
> Is the DAC frequency (fdac in the AD9862 datasheet) the same as
> target_freq parameter in the tune function?

fdac is a constant, 128MHz.  target_freq is the RF frequency that you
desire to have appear at 0 Hz in the complex baseband.


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