On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 17:07 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I am considering if I should create gnuradio blocks to detect DTMF, > AFSK, and other digital transmission modes that I currently detect > using multimon (http://www.baycom.org/~tom/ham/linux/multimon.html). > I have no USRP yet. I just use the audio from a VHF/UHF amateur radio > attached to my PC sound card.
This is fine. GNU Radio blocks that work on audio rate input from sound cards don't need changing to work with audio rate data produced from the output of demodulators or other blocks that ultimately get their data from something like the USRP. > Since I'm new to gnuradio, I'd appreciate anyone's ideas on what > should be the inputs and outputs of these gnuradio blocks. Also, > does anyone think these blocks might be useful sometime to someone > other than myself? Regarding DTMF detection, there already exists a tone-detection utility that uses the Goertzel DFT optimization to detect the presence of a particular frequency in the data. You could use eight instances of this with appropriate combinatorial logic to output DTMF detection events. (Actually, I think that is what multimon itself does, if I recall correctly.) But it depends on how you want to use these detection events. Traditional GNU Radio flowgraphs terminate in some sort of data sink that communicates with the outside world. If you're simply trying to replicate a multimon type text output, you can "printf" from your detection block. If you want to interact with something non-GNU Radio, like a GUI or some other logic, you need to consider how to signal the start and stop of a detection event to this external code (see below). > I have years of professional experience developing softare in C and C++ > as part of large projects, but I have no gnuradio experience (yet), except > for writing a simple example gnuradio application in Python and writing > a simple example gnuradio block in C++. This is a great start. > Do these DTMF and AFSK detector blocks seem like they should be gnuradio > 'mblocks' instead of gr-blocks? This is one of those cases we have not done very well in addressing, where the input data comes from the continuous data flow domain of an audio card input source or the output of an RF demodulator, yet the output needs to be a set of discrete events that interacts with the outside world. Traditionally, the way we have handled this has been to convert the events into some stream of data as a block output, then wire this to a special I/O block called a message sink. The message sink maintains a FIFO of fixed size items which have a thread-safe query mechanism to retrieve items posted to the queue. It works, but is somewhat crude. Code outside the GNU Radio flowgraph can make blocking or non-blocking calls to retrieve items and generate events in some other domain. For example, we use this mechanism in the graphical FFT displays. The FFT vectors are created by the GNU Radio flowgraph, but the flowgraph itself terminates in a message sink. A separate thread, created in Python and not part of the GNU Radio flowgraph, queries the message queue and posts wxPython window events to the display as the vectors come in to the message sink and get added to the queue. The gr-pager application works similarly, in that the flowgraph does the FLEX pager decoding and generates a stream of decoded pages as vectors and sends these to a message sink. A separate thread queries the message sink and displays the pages to the screen sequentially. So to your original question, the short-term answer is that you should implement a C++ block in traditional gr-block format that outputs DTMF digits sequentially. Wire it to a message sink in your flowgraph and you can write code outside GNU Radio proper to query the queue and do whatever you want with them. The mblock library was supposed to be a way to address this, as it works entirely in the message passing domain, yet as I stated in an earlier email, the bridge between the streaming domain and mblock domain has never been implemented in an acceptable way. We are now looking at adding event passing to the traditional gr-block world such that blocks can be written that accept and produce either message events or streaming data. In that case you'd write a block that would take in streaming audio data and generate DTMF symbol detection events. Regarding AFSK, that is clearly a streaming block that would convert audio samples into bits at a fixed input to output sample ratio. The audio input would either come from a soundcard input source or from a narrowband FM demodulator block (which already exists.) You'd probably then write another block that does the deframing on the input bits and generates a series of payload packets and ultimately sends these to a message sink. This is similar to gr-pager that uses an MFSK demodulator to get to bits and then a deframing sink that outputs individual pages. -Johnathan _______________________________________________ Discuss-gnuradio mailing list Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio