
making sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/usrp2_socket_opener

allows usrp2_fft.py to work (also as suid) by a normal user.


I would be interested in trying the sudo approach, but as I mentioned in my previous post there are some issues perhaps with sudo not knowing about the path or other environment variables.

making usrp2_socket_opener suid root is the best way to set things up. This allows us to use the least privileges possible on all other programs, and usrp2_socket_opener is a nice short program that can easily be audited.

Note that if you do a make install again it may overwrite your usrp2_socket_opener, and then it won't have the permissions set anymore. You can get by this by putting the suid copy in your ~/bin directory, which won't be overwritten every time.


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