1. Does the USRP2 support the BasicRX daughterboard?

2. Does the USRP2 support the DBSRX daughterboard?

3. Does gnuradio-3.1.3 work with USRP2?

4. Does the USRP2 work with the usrp_standard_rx interface (in
libusrp.so provided by gnuradio-3.1.3)

5. My application requires the USRP to use the external clock provided
by my front end.  It runs at 64 MHz.  Will the USRP2 accept this 64 MHz
clock?  (I'm guessing not since it appears the USRP2 runs at a different
frequency).  I can provide a sine or square wave clock.

I have an application that uses the BasicRX or the DBSRx.  The only
component of gnuradio I use is the usrp_standard_rx interface provided
by gnuradio-3.1.3.  I am researching the amount of work I will need to
do to use the USRP2.  I am interested in USRP2 because it transmits data
over ethernet which has longer range than USB2.



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