Dear Firas,

Thanks for your reply, I am trying this although I had already tried by
changing tune_delay and center_freq, but I still have similar results.

But can you explain me please why you think changing these parameters shold
work? and if I choose some frequencies  from an array (e.g. [2.41e9, 2.42e9,
2.43e9, 2.44e9, 2.45e9]), rather to set max and min center frequencies then
what can be the problem in that?

Best Regards

Kaleem Ahmad

Firas A. wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) use "--tune-delay" with 10e-3
> 2) Uncomment :
> #self.connect(self.u, s2v, fft, c2mag, log, stats)
> 3) Comment:
> self.connect(self.u, s2v, fft, c2mag, stats)
> 4) Change the line :
> self.max_center_freq = self.min_center_freq + (nsteps * self.freq_step)
> to be :
> self.max_center_freq = self.min_center_freq + ((nsteps-1) *self.freq_step)
> 5) Redo your experiments again!!.
> Best Regards,
> Firas

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