Hi all,
I am happy to announce the official release of CGRAN: The Comprehensive
GNU Radio Archive Network. Summary: CPAN->Perl as CGRAN->GNU Radio.
https://www.cgran.org/ (initial release only supports SSL, sorry!)
What Is CGRAN?
The Comprehensive GNU Radio Archive Network (CGRAN) is a free open
source repository for 3rd party GNU Radio applications that are not
officially supported by the GNU Radio project. CGRAN provides a
subversion repository for users to develop or submit new applications,
and wiki access for full project documentation. Trac (our web interface)
provides unique features such as a browser for the subversion repository
and a ticket system for users to file issues with projects in CGRAN.
Getting code into the GNU Radio code base is difficult. Share your GNU
Radio applications without the hassle of FSF copyright, obtaining a GNU
Radio developer account, integrating into the GNU Radio branch, and
following GNU Radio coding conventions. They are there for a reason,
but they are not for everyone... and not all applications are for the
official GNU Radio code base! ;)
CGRAN RELEASE BONUS: Architectural Latency Measurements
As a CGRAN "first project" release for others to follow, I have added
code and applications which measure the latency of data as it flows from
GNU Radio to the USRP and back. This gives you an idea of GNU
Radio->USRP round trip time, GNU Radio->kernel latencies, and
kernel->USRP round trip time. This can certainly be extended... all you
need is a CGRAN account to work on it :)
Two initial projects I would love to see in CGRAN!
* BBN 802.11 code (CGRAN would allow others to keep it up to date)
* Univ. of Utah 802.11b Decoder
I am open to suggestions about CGRAN, it's for the community... so
community feedback is appreciated. Of course, report issues.
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