Hi, I am working on an OOK receiver but am having some problems with the

I wrote a script with the following flow graph:

USRP.source_c -> complex_to_mag -> add_const_ff( -const ) ->
binary_slicer_fb -> file_sink

This works fine, but I would like to have some sort of discrimination for
when there is no signal.  I looked into adding a pwr_squelch_cc block after
the source but this led to a lot of buffer overruns as the processing
increased.  I am attempting to receive a bandwidth of 16 MHz using 8-bit
samples so any more processing I add can make a difference.  The bandwidth
is important as I am trying to maximize the data rates it can handle.

There is also the option of checking after the fact and counting the number
of samples that are zero.  i.e. if there are x number of 0's then stop
writing to file and wait for another 1 to come through.  Is there anything
implemented for this or would I have to write my own block?

If you have any ideas or suggestions of what I should take into account
(i.e. alpha and ramp for squelch) then please let me know.  My goal is to
basically have a variable dwell time after a valid signal that will turn off
after a certain delay.


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