
I am using RFX2400+USRP+SUSI

I am using following flowgraph to transmit data:

gr.file_source -> gr.simple_framer -> gr.bytes_to_syms ->
gr.interp_fir_filter_fff -> gr.frequency_modulator_fc ->
gr.multiply_const_cc -> usrp.sink_c

When I start the flowgraph by either start() or run() or MainLoop(), the
data is sent sussessfully for once if repeat option is False in file_source
or continuesly if repeat option is True.

Actually I want to implement cyclic transmission (different from
gr.file_source.repeat=True) in such a way that whenever I want I can again
send data from that file (But if and only if I want, so I need control over
data transmission which I cant by just setting repeat in file_source=True )

But the problem is that the graph gets complete when data in the file is
finished and I cant ask the flowgraph to retransmit the data in the file. I
want to have an implementation where I could dictate the graph to transmit
data (externally, just like setting the frequency or gain while the graph is
still running). Furthermore is it possible to change the file name
externally while the graph is still running.

Any suggestions!!!!

Best Regards

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