Any suggestions!!!!!!!!!!

kaleem ahmad wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Two nodes, each consists of one USRP and an RFX2400, are involved, one as
> a Master(Transmit ... receive echoed version...Transmit new packet and so
> on) and the other USRP is Slave (Receive...echo back the received packet).
> I am creating 1 usrp source (for transmitting) and 1 usrp sink (for
> receiving) for each node. 
> I dont understand "You should be creating 1 each for each USRP and keep
> them open the
> entire time."
> How can I keep both source and sink open all the time without using
> disconnect/disconnect_all. Because when I am transmitting my source is a
> file and my sink is usrp. At same USRP node when I am receiving my source
> is usrp and my sink is a file. My problem is how can I construct a graph
> which either keep both of these things open at a time or dynamically
> connect and disconnect them.
> Can you suggest me an example flow graph, or e.g can you comment that
> something like following is correct way to handle it:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> while(1):
>        send()
>        receive()
>        delay(500ms)
> ---------------------------------------
> send(fg):
>      fg.connect(file_source, frammer, NRZ, modulation, gain, usrp)
> -----------------------------------------
> receive(fg):
>      fg.disconnect_all()
>      fg.connect(usrp, filter, de_modulation, correlation, file_sink)
>      wait_for_timeout()
>      fg.disconnect_all()
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> It is just an example flowgraph and soesnt matter if the correct blocks
> are used, but the thing which I want to know is the order of connect() and
> disconnect_all(), is it possible to have like this and will it work with
> such delays.
> Best Regards
> Kaleem Ahmad
> Eric Blossom wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 02:09:47AM -0700, kaleem ahmad wrote:
>>> Any suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> How many usrps are involved in this?
>> How many usrp sinks and sources are you creating?
>> You should be creating 1 each for each USRP and keep them open the
>> entire time. 
>> Eric
>>> kaleem ahmad wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > Hi Eric and others,
>>> > 
>>> > I also have a similar problem, but it is not limited to 'gain
>>> control',
>>> > Actually I want to implement an echo back or ping pong transmission
>>> > system.
>>> > 
>>> > First I implemented two separate transmitt and receive flow graphs in
>>> two
>>> > separate transmit(), and receive() functions as mentioned in the
>>> > following:
>>> > 
>>> > Master Transceiver:
>>> > 
>>> >       Transmit()            Transmitt one data packet
>>> >       Receive()             Wait in receive for the echoed back packet
>>> or
>>> > timeout
>>> > 
>>> > Slave Transceiver:
>>> > 
>>> >       if (Receive()):             Always wait in receive
>>> >              Transmit()            Transmitt back the received data
>>> packet
>>> > 
>>> > But in this method I get an error 'cant open usb device....cant open
>>> USRP
>>> > 0/1'
>>> > 
>>> > Then I found flowgraph.disconnect() method and thought that I should
>>> > implement a single flowgraph which can dynamically connect different
>>> > blocks to transmit and then disconnect and connect with receive blocks
>>> and
>>> > so on...
>>> > 
>>> > Is it possible and is there any example code which doing something
>>> like
>>> > this or otherwise can you please suggest me some way to do this.
>>> > 
>>> > Thanks
>>> > 
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