Johnathan Corgan wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Paul Creekmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Previously, I had downloaded the gnuradio source code and compiled it to
gain access to the library in gnuradio/usrp/host/lib/legacy/.libs, and in
that case there's also a file that's absent in the above
directory.  I don't have a very deep understanding of shared libraries, but
it seems to me that my installation in /usr/lib is missing a file.  Is this
an inadvertent omission from the libusrp0c2a package for Debian?

This is a known bug in the 3.1.1 packages for Ubuntu that was fixed in
release 3.1.2.  What version of the deb files are you installing?

The short-term solution for you is to add a symlink:

$ cd /usr/lib
$ sudo ln -s
$ sudo ldconfig

I very recently installed with the most up-to-date packages available. dpkg tells me that my libusrp0c2a package is version 3.1.3.

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