On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 9:35 AM, kaleem ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Brian,
> But I am still confused what this code is doing:
>        power = 0
>        for tap in mywindow:
>            power += tap*tap
>        # FIXME the log10 primitive is dog slow
>        log = gr.nlog10_ff(10, self.fft_size,
> -20*math.log10(self.fft_size)-10*math.log10(power/self.fft_size))
> Especially why this factor
> "20*math.log10(self.fft_size)-10*math.log10(power/self.fft_size)" is used???

The loop is calculating the gain of the window and subtracting to
maintain unity.

> moreover nlog10_ff block actually computes -> n*log10(input) + k, can
> someone explain what this k is doing and how can we compare this formulae to
> traditional dB formulae i.e. 10log(input), or 20log(input).

I haven't read the code, but I suspect it's for situations as stated above.


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