Mohd adib Sarijari wrote am 2008-09-23 13:04:
i am very new with GNU Radio. now i am in process of installing the
GNU Radio but unfotunetly i still fail to install.. i had try for 3
i follow the GNU Radio installation Note by Naveen Manicka.
Please help us to help you with more information:
* Which system/OS are you using?
* If you use a guide from the Internet, please give us a URL so we can
i had
finished step one (installing the gnuradio-core). now when i want to
install gnuradio-example it tell me to set the phyton path environment
What exactly was the output?
i had run the command that it give in the installation note..
($ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages) but when i
type $phyton it dose not give feed back as in the note (>>> from
gnuradio import gr)
The $ is the prompt, that shows you that you can enter commands. The
_following_ words are the commands to the shell. You must not enter the
$. The programs name is python, so you should enter only the name.
It is common to write commands with the $ in front to hint you to a
shell command. Sometimes it's not $ but #, which means you should not
enter the commands as normal user as $ hints, but as root, the super user.
can any one help me? i am very sorry to post this very basic issue but
i am totally new in GNU Radio and i think i am the first to try GNU
Radio in my country. currently i am doing my master by Research.
Seems you are not familiar with Unix/Linux. I'd recommend you to read a
beginners guide to Linux, and to read the Python Tutorial[1]
thank you in advance.
You're welcome.
Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <patrick dot strasser at student dot tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria
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