> My impression is that SVN+trac is working pretty well. My experience with
> git has been everything but positive; maybe because I _still_ haven't
> found that simple, elegant reference that explains it well, but I'm just
> not a fan. Plus it would be nice to keep the same model as the existing
> repo so that the checkout and build process is as easy.
> Just my 7c :).

Thanks Dan!

I agree, svn+trac is the way to go here.  It's what everyone is already 
familiar with, and it works great.

I was thinking that the SVN structure should be something like:

and then everyone has read access to everything, and commit access is given to 
individuals working on a project, or pretty much anyone who wants it.  I just 
don't think we can leave it anonymous commit.

Then, there is a mandatory project summary page for each project.  It needs to 
include basic information like the platforms it runs on, the version of GNU 
Radio needed, and any other additional dependencies with a brief description of 
the project.  Probably some maintainer information too.

- George

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