On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 12:21:04PM -0600, Eric Schneider wrote:
> The new rx_buffer_inband.v is very nearly complete.
> The FX2/USB interface code refers to a "FX2 Bug Fix" or "257 Bug Fix" in the
> non inband rx_buffer.  I'm assuming that this bug is that the FX2 keeps the
> RD line set for 257 usbclk cycles instead of 256.  The coded fix is a 256
> step counter preventing the 257th read, which is cleared by the bus_reset
> signal.

Or by ~RD (line 82)

> But bus_reset is connected to the master_control module, which only sets it
> on a full reset.  So it would seem that the FX2 is only doing the extra RD
> on the first packet transferred (after reset), not every packet.  Is that
> correct?


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