GNURadio Members,
Does anyone have any new information on this? I thought they were going to be releasing the Source Code for this. Any new NEWS :) ? Meenal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >* Hello all,* >* We have successfully deployed a GnuRadio based IP* *network using a TAP/TUN >**interface between two machines connected with a loop* >* back cable. GnuRadio **is used as the physical layer. > We use a slotted **ALOHA based MAC layer, **which has been developed here at > NCSA.* >* > As a first pass we were able to transmit and receive* *UDP data across the > **network. > > The source code and details will be* *available on our website > ** soon for anyone* >* interested. > I will **email a notification to the group when it becomes **available.* >* * >* Regards,* >* Meenal* >* * >* * >* * >* Meenal Pant* >* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,* >* 405 North Mathews Avenue ,* >* Urbana ,* >* Illinois 61801* >* * >* Ph: 217-244-7318* >* Fax: 217-244-2909*
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