Quoting Johnathan Corgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

We are looking for testers, to measure the difference in performance
between the non-GL and GL versions, and in particular, the performance
of the GL versions when using a non-accelerated host-based GL
implementation like Mesa (without DRI).

In particular, the waterfall implementation is a vast improvement over
the existing one.  Try usrp_fft.py -W to view.

Thus far it's a great improvement in apparent response time and update speed. It "feels" faster. (Let me know how you want this quantified and I'll certainly try to do that.) One thing I've noticed, though it may just be this machine: If I resize usrp_fft.py too much, the GUI stops responding to user input, though the data display keeps running. (This is using rev 9293, on Ubuntu Gutsy.) usrp_oscope.py is apparently immune.

That said, it's an amazing improvement on the current scope/spectrum analyzer.

Thanks, Josh!

Indeed, thanks a ton, Josh!


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