On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 12:35:12PM -0600, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> In gr-gcell/src/qa_fft.py there is a method of gcell called 'set_singleton'.
>    gcell.set_singleton(self.mgr)
> All I can glean from the source is it has something to do with boost weak 
> pointers. What, basically, is it doing?   I've played with the python code 
> to stream data to multiple spe's and it all works as expected.  All I know 
> is that if it's commented out we get:
>    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::bad_weak_ptr'
>      what():  tr1::bad_weak_ptr
>    Aborted
> From boost:
>     weak_ptr          <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>    Non-owning observers of an 
> object 
> owned by shared_ptr.
> --Chuck

gcell.set_singleton stores away the gc_job_manager object that the
gr-gcell (N.B., not gcell) code uses.  The various work methods that
want to use gcell need to be able to find the job manager.  They
retrieve it by calling gc_job_manager::singleton().


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